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Book 2, Ch. I: Into the Unknown


If you haven’t seen Frozen 2 you’re missing out. (Go get a free trial of Disney Plus and watch it)

Ben and I saw it on New Years Eve and as we were walking out of the theater we promptly downloaded the album and proceeded to drive Ben’s parents nuts with the amount of times we sang it and played over the following week.

One of my favourite songs was when Elsa sang, Into the Unknown. And if you’re a parent with kids under the age of 12 you definitely know that song.

and you’re probably thinking what the heck does Frozen 2 have to do with everything else going on right now?

Doesn’t it feel like we’re in the unknown right now?

It doesn’t feeling like we’re going into something but that we ARE IN something. Something unfamiliar, that many of us have never experienced.

Isolation. Quarantine. An Unprecedented amount of time with our families, without our friends. Without our coffee shops, and fast food restaurants (any one else missing Indian take out and pizza? Or is it just me?) For many of us our jobs are uncertain, our incomes are going down and might not be going up again for a while. We are going…

…Into the unknown.

With so many of our wedding plans up in the air it feels like we are in, and going into something completely and totally unfamiliar. it’s so easy to feel lost, to feel uncertain, to be fearful and hopeless.

Since Ben is Canadian and I’m American, and the Canadian boarder is closed until further notice, we are in New Zealand, praying that the US boarder stays open and that the Canadian one opens up so Ben’s family can come. Head first…

…Into the Unknown

So as I start to panic and swirl out—As I read news article after news article that tells me to give up, to loose faith, and to let my hope die— I have to remind myself about who I know.

Who do I know?

I know the compassionate and gracious God, the one that is slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, who maintains love to thousands, and forgiving rebellion and sin in His people. (Ex: 34:6-7)

Do you know Him?

So as much as it feels like we’re headed into the unknown…I can say that we trust the one who holds the future.

Do you?

We trust that God is still good, even though the world would say our future doesn’t look good.

We trust that our wedding is going to still be awesome (even though it will definitely look different)

We trust that even though we can’t see it, or be a major part of it, that God is still moving in the nations.

What are you trusting in?

We’re choosing to trust in who we know. And trust that with Him, the unknown isn’t all that…unknown

For now Ben and I we are going forward with our wedding as planned. So much changes everyday with COVID19 so until mid May we are moving forward as if everything will be normal (which means if you’ve received an invite it would be helpful if you RSVP’d…you know who you are)

And we’re focusing on who we know


Ben and Amy

P.S We would love to hear about how your time in Quarantine is going? What have you been up to? What scary things are in your unknown? Email us! We’d love to hear from you!


As for us we are doing well! The New Zealand lockdown is still on and an update will be announced soon as to what will be happening next (staying in lockdown or easing restrictions).

We appreciate all of your prayers and are so thankful for each one of you!

There is nothing really new to report other than we are safe and blessed and living out this quarantine.

Prayer points:

- for wisdom with what to do next and how to proceed after lockdown is lifted.

- peace that God has us in his hands. That we won't fear what is happening

-that the USA boarder will stay open and that the Canadian one will open in time for our wedding

- for the world. Pray that God will meet people in their homes and reveal himself as the peace and comfort to a fearful and grief-stricken world.

Thank you all!

back in the good ol' days

We made Paska! (Mennonite easter bread)

Ben is doing face masks with me...I think he likes it

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