May 24, 20203 min

Chapter II: Seasons Change

(like they are supposed to)

Seasons Change

(like they are supposed to)

The joyous warmth of summer has long since faded here in New Zealand. Sunny days at the beach have been traded for cold mornings and rainy days spent indoors.

And it is dreary.

But I remember only months ago longing for this cold weather in the blistering heat of summer, and now that is is here all I want is that sunshine back.

Times change.

Especially these times, especially the days we wake up hoping that this has all been a dream and longing for things to be normal. And yet the world keeps spinning. And doesn't it make your head spin along with it trying to keep up?

This update is actually an announcement.

Amy and I have decided to reschedule our wedding. Due to the US - Canadian border being closed and trying to get back to America from New Zealand we have made the hard decision to move our wedding from July to September. We are doing this in hope that by then the border will be open and larger gatherings will be allowed.

We deeply apologize to those of you that this affects and already RSVP'd to our wedding and hope you all can still make it later in the year.

It has been a crazy week here. First being released from lockdown, moving back to our YWAM housing, figuring out ways to get me (Ben) into the US, and learning that the border will continue to be closed. Along with having to make this decision and trying to plan a whole new wedding and just praying that this time it will work out. We can say during this time that we are thankful for all of you. Those of you that support us, message us, pray for us, and are there every step of the way. Thank you.

They say that planning a wedding is hard work, and that has checked out, but never did we expect this.

Indeed these are hard times.

And what can we do?

We can feel it.

These are unprecedented times. These are hard times. It is okay to feel it! We don't need to be always on the look out for something to cheer us up or the next project to bake, we are allowed to feel the effects of what we are going through.

We can be there for each other.

Be kind. Be generous. We need to look out for our neighbors more than ever. And if you can't see them then send them a message! Pray for them! Give them a call! Connect with those around you.

There is nothing we can do to change the seasons, or stop them from changing. We just need to trust in the one that creates each day and the one that created you.

Yes. Today is a rainy day. Today is a dreary day.

And that is okay.


Please be praying for us in this time. We are trying our best to plan another wedding and sort out how to get back and your prayer would be greatly appreciated and needed!

Along with this update we wanted to give a wholehearted shoutout to Josh & Hannah Ens who allowed us to stay at their house while NZ was in lockdown. Providing us with a safe place to stay, awesome company, and the opportunity to stay together. So thank you both again from the bottom of our hearts!

Cool tree here showing the changing of the seasons

Our house for the last 2 months
