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Chapter XIV: Careful What You Pray For


In July I asked God what he wanted the month to look like for me.

I felt like he said the fear of the lord and humility. So in my all knowing greatness I prayed,

“God, give me the fear of the lord and show me humility this month.”

I thought that I had that down pat. I was not expecting much.

Be careful what you pray for

It was a humbling month. God shone a light right into the glass window that is my heart and revealed all the dust and fingerprints that he needed to clean.

And He was so faithful to clean my heart

It was a painful month. I got really sick twice which stuck me in bed for about a week total. All while fasting from movies and television! Let’s just say I listened to a lot of bible project podcasts.

I won’t go into full detail but I realised just how highly I thought of myself. I thought that I was too good to go to classes and learn. I realised how much I manipulated in relationships and just how selfish and prideful I had become while fooling myself that I was so great.

What I love about God is that he will always do what he says and he promises to walk through it with us.

I asked God to search my heart. And not only did he do that but he took me on a tour of my own heart. He pointed out all the spots that needed dealing with and the spots that he loved as he admired his handiwork.

It took a lot of hurt and apologising to those I hurt but in the end I would have it no other way.

God is faithful to not leave you where you are.

He wants to bring you to new places. He doesn’t desire to leave you in mediocrity and passivity.

It may be painful but God will walk with you through it.

Just remember to…

Be careful what you pray for.

God just might do it.


Here is what I have been up to the last couple months!

In July I finished up the last bit of classes I needed in order to be on staff here at YWAM Furnace! It was an incredible month with a lot of learning and growing. We learned about things like our strengths, what leadership looks like, and how to have vision for your life. It was challenging and fun, aside from getting sick a bunch.

Since graduating from that school I have jumped back into our prayer room and I have jumped onto our calling teams!

Essentially what we do as a calling team is we have Facebook ads out, and when people click them and give us their info we call them and answer all their questions about YWAM and Discipleship Training Schools (DTS). It is really fun to be able to connect with people and pray for them and help them in figuring out life. It can be quite hard as people are people and can be rude or just not picking up (then its like hitting your head against a wall) but it still is quite fun to be the first people to talk to them about what we do and hopefully get them to come do our schools!

The Future:

In September I will be staffing our School of Worship! If you have been following my journey then you know that I did this same school last October and it was amazing. And I feel like God has called me to help leading it for the next few years. I am so so stoked to start this and lead and mentor people in worship and speak into the lives of the students.


Prayer Requests:

  • Health and energy. As its coming to spring here pray for health for me.

  • Pray for the potential students we are calling, that they would have soft hearts and open ears.

  • Pray for the upcoming quarter. For the School of Worship, and the other schools we are running. (Discipleship Training School, Transformational Development School, and School of Communications.)


Thank you all so much. I make it a point to pray for all of you supporting me financially and in prayer, or even if you are just reading these posts. I appreciate you deeply.

This is the Internship crew I did this last July!

The School of Worship Crew!

Cool rainbow because why not

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